
Nothing is worse for your facial appearance and your self-esteem than an unattractive double chin, whether you're a man or a woman. Non-Invasive Submental Fat Reduction Submental fat sometimes referred to as under-chin fat, is one of the most prevalent problems in both men and women across the nation. The double chin is one of the hardest regions to tone, even when other body fat may respond well to a committed diet and exercise routine. Fortunately, we can assist you. We are pleased to make Kybella, a cutting-edge new technique for reducing fat under the chin, available to our customers. The "double-chin" or submental fat pocket, which is treated with Kybella, is by far the most well-liked and successful non-surgical method. Find out how Kybella can help you attain the slim and toned facial contours you've always desired today! Describe Kybella. A non-surgical injectable procedure called Kybella is designed to get rid of fat cells under the chin. helping us eliminate the unsightly double chin and undesirable submental fat. Kybella can help you have the well-contoured face you've always desired, improve your facial profile, and finally get rid of that fat. How does Kybella function? The process is quite simple; initially, we choose the best therapy areas for the injection and evaluate which areas of your body require the most modification. Next, we just get ready for the injection. You can have a burning or tingling feeling after the Kybella injection, but this is perfectly normal and should subside in a short while. Similar to the deoxycholic acid in your body, the Kybella solution also contains acids. The goal of deoxycholic acid is to obliterate fat cells. Similar to this, Kybella causes your fat cells to experience "cellular death," removing them entirely as your body flushes them out as a natural waste product. Would Kybella Be a Good Fit for You? The first step is a consultation during which we will decide if Kybella is the best treatment for you. Some people may not respond well to treatment if they have more advanced sub-mental fat pads or certain underlying disorders that may be the cause of the extra fat. If any of the following apply to you:

Your double chin bothers you, and diet and exercise have not made your submental fat disappear. For your age and height, your weight is within a healthy range. Your skin isn't too loose or dangling; it has good flexibility. You would rather reduce your submental fat without surgery.

Results Kybella is the least invasive and safest way to treat double chins and reduce submental fat in patients. Despite being a relatively straightforward surgery, Kybella does require a little period of recuperation time. Some patients should anticipate temporary bruising or moderate swelling for up to a week following the operation, which takes around an hour to perform (most swelling will subside within the first 48 hours). Our medical professionals advise patients to:

Before and after the surgery, stay hydrated. Alcohol and salt should be avoided both before and after the surgery to minimize swelling. For the first few hours after therapy is finished, apply ice to the affected area. Since they could need a day or two to recover from the treatment and reduce any swelling that may develop, try to arrange it around a weekend, vacation, or other free time.

Contact us right away for additional details about Kybella or to arrange a consultation to determine if it is the appropriate treatment for you.