Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the liposuction where does the fat go?

A surgical operation called liposuction employs a suction technique to remove fat from particular body parts, such as the belly, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck.

What's liposuction surgery

It shapes the figure by using medical suction to remove extra fat from different areas of the body. This technique is frequently combined with other plastic surgery operations like breast augmentation or abdominoplasty.

Who is liposuction candidate?

Adults who are within 30% of their optimum weight and have strong, elastic skin and good muscular tone are typically good candidates for liposuction.

Where botox can be injected?

It's very safe to use Botox for wrinkles in the FDA approved areas of the forehead, crows feet, and frown lines

Botox vs Dysport

The effects of both Botox and Dysport last for about four months, but the effects of Dysport tend to appear faster than Botox — about two days compared to Botox's week timeline

Will sculptra make a difference?

Sculptra blows the long-lasting results of those other dermal fillers right out of the water with results that can last for as long as 2 to 3 years at a time.

When will I see sculptra results

Because Sculptra stimulates your own body to produce collagen, this process takes time, typically around 6 weeks.

How much does sculptra cost?

Full face will cost around $2000-$2500